28 septembre 2006

L'extraterrestre meneur culte du clonage lance l'adoption de clitoris...

Le sujet de fond est sérieux, qu'il s'agisse d'excision ou de sectes.....
mais qu'est ce qu'il est rigolo ce raël ! :-) :-)

Via the wondefull world of Boing Boing

"Raël, the self-appointed space messiah of the swingin', clone-lovin', Raelian Movement has launched a website where you can "Adopt a Clitoris" and surgically "restore pleasure" to African women who have suffered forced clitoral excision, or female genital mutilation. The fact that such atrocities are committed against African women is of course very real, and not one bit funny. But this website -- well, that's another story. Link to Clitoraid, which rhymes with Clonaid and Stemaid, any of which would probably pair nicely with Gatorade when you've just stepped onto a hot planet like the one pictured at left. "

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